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TN Envirothon Rules



  1. Competitors must be enrolled in grade level 9 through 12 for the current school year.

  2. Teams will consist of a minimum of three and a maximum of five members.

  3. Registration form must be legible and received by the appropriate deadline and a registration fee may apply.  Care for students are the responsibility of each school, not the local RC&D.

  4. Alternate team members may substitute for regular team members in Regional and State Envirothons if properly registered at the regional level.  Alternate students may NOT attend the competition if they are not needed to fill in for another student.

  5. Each school is permitted to send a maximum of two teams to the regional Envirothon. Two home school teams per county may also participate. Teams may include representation from science classes or clubs, 4-H, Youth Boards, FFA or Other Conservation related groups.

  1. Teams must be accompanied to the Envirothon competition by an adult advisor. This Advisor will accompany and be responsible for the discipline of team members.  However, advisors shall not accompany the team during the actual competition, or assist the team in any during the event, and doing so will result in disqualification.

  2. Envirothon competitions will consist of five events:  Aquatics, Forestry, Soils, Wildlife, and A Current Environmental Issue, which will change each year.

  3. Team members may use electronic devices, such as tape recorders, cameras, VCR equipment Walkman, etc. to prepare for comprehensive question.  However, the only device that may be used by the team during any test will be hand-held calculators provided by RC&D.  No study materials are to be with students while in competition or during lunch break.

  4. The top scoring team from each regional competition will advance to the State Envirothon.  In the event the first place team can not attend the second or third place team will attend in their place.

  5.  The Envirothon competition will be conducted by personnel employed by cooperating local, state, and federal agencies or independent environmental organizations.  Teams may not contact personnel responsible for designing a regional or state Envirothon test to request prior to an Envirothon competition.

  6.  In the case of a tie, teams will take a short test with a question from each of the five subject areas. The team which scores the highest will be the winner.

  7.  All judges� decisions are final; any team found with unauthorized material, speaking with their advisor or other team members from their school will be disqualified.

  8. Any questions and/or problems during a test must be handled at that station site.  Once teams have rotated to a new station, they can no longer resolve problems related to the previous test.

  9. Should the winning team from Tennessee choose not to attend the National Envirothon, the Advisor should notify the RC&D council contact person immediately, so that the second runner-up team may attend.

  10. The team advancing to the National Envirothon will pay the current national registration fee or may receive partial or full funding from the local RC&D Council.  This will need to be worked out between these two parties

  11. Tests may be taken apart so it can be worked on by more that one student, then reattached by test giver at each station.

  12. All tests must be taken up at end of competition and NOT given to schools.

  13. Team advancing to the National Competition will be responsible for travel to and from competition

Tennessee Envirothon Mission

The mission of the Envirothon is to develop knowledgeable, skilled and dedicated citizens who are willing and prepared to work towards achieving and maintaining a natural balance between the quality of life and the quality of the environment.

The Tennessee Envirothon is sponsored in part by the following partners;

NRCS logoTN RC&D logoTDA logo

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