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Regional Envirothon Contacts

Appalachian RC&D Council
Phone: 423-433-7116
Email: Roy.Settle@firstbank.com
Regional Envirothon: April 25 at Winged Deer Park, Johnson City, TN

Buffalo-Duck  RC&D Council
Phone:  931-994-1526
Email: coordinator@bdrcd.org
Regional Envirothon: April 18 at National Guard, Waynesboro, TN

Central Basin RC&D Council
Phone:  (615) 444-1890 ext. 110
Email: carol.edwards@nashville.gov or diane.major@tn.nacd.net
Regional Envirothon: April 12 at Ward Agricultural Center, Lebanon, TN

Clinch Powell  RC&D Council
Phone:  865-828-5927
Email:  rlambert@tnc.org
Regional Envirothon: April 19 at  River Place on the Clinch, Kyles Ford, TN

Cumberland Mountain RC&D Council
Phone:  865-414-2854
Email:  phillip.dixon@tn.usda.gov 
Regional Envirothon: April 25 at Frozen Head State Park, Petros, TN

Chickasaw-Shiloh RC&D Counci
Phone:  901-668-7770

Email:  glendar@centurytel.net or granna2@comcast.net 

Davy Crockett RC&D Council 
Phone:  901-668-7770
Email: kmcbride@carroll.tn.org

Five Rivers RC&D Council
Phone:  931-368-0287
Email:  crobbins@tnstate.edu
Regional Envirothon: April 19 at River Bluff Park, Ashland City, TN

Hull-York Lakeland RC&D Council
Phone:  931-
Email: lynn.carey@tn.nacdnet.net
Regional Envirothon: April 19 at Hyder-Burks Pavilion, Coookeville, TN

Southeast TN RC&D Council 
Phone: 423-894-1687
Email: renita.beaty@tn.nacdnet.net
Regional Envirothon: April 17 at Chester Frost Park, Chattanooga, TN

 Southern Middle TN RC&D Council
Phone:  901-668-7770
Email: meredeth.crosby@tn.usda.gov or shasteena@charter.net
Regional Envirothon: April 17 at Wiseman Park, Lynchburg, TN

 Smoky Mountain RC&D Council
Phone:  865-256-0689
Email:  jteague@blounttn.org

Regional Envirothon: April 17 at Spring Brook Park, Alcoa, TN

The Tennessee Envirothon is sponsored in part by the following partners;

NRCS logoTN RC&D logoTDA logo  


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